Wednesday, 7 April 2010

The Ning is ningy.

Hello Ning, how have you been. Oh. It's April, I forgot, nobody is going to read this because of the tons of BEDAs around. Oh well.

I was just calling in to see how you guys are and talk about what I am doing.

I am rather ashamed of myself for not visiting the Ning more than once a day. Have you guys seen me? I have been missing you. I sometimes feel like the Ning is becoming crowded with double posted and dead discussions, old games, and full of uncommitted people. (I am no better)

I don't know. Is the Ning dying? People keep seem to be leaving. Perhaps that is no reason to leave, it creates a vicious circle of leaving-ness.

Am I rambling? Yes? Darn. I will just stop typing now. Now. Now. Now. Okay. I am gone.